13 Dec How io Works With Kurzgesagt
How io Works With Kurzgesagt
While the science behind io is revolutionary, that doesn’t mean it’s difficult to understand. Ingredient Optimized has partnered with Kurzgesagt – the preeminent science channel on YouTube, with 17 million subscribers and counting – to explain how io works and the value it brings to consumers. Watch the full video below.
About Ingredient Optimized:
Ingredient Optimized is a biotechnology company focused on improving the quality of protein and overall nutrition through their Ingredient Optimized technology. When their io isolate is a component ingredient, protein products are able to deliver superior protein absorption by the body, reduced stomach discomfort, and improved taste. Backed by scientific research and clinical trials, the io technology is able to improve health outcomes for the protein-deficient elderly and bodybuilders alike.
For more information please visit https://www.becomeio.com or contact Chris Flynn-Rozanski.
Email: [email protected]